Enhancement to the Transaction Report in X-Connect (Payment Reporting Portal)

Article Published: 01/17/2020

Release Date (Scheduled): 2/3/2020

Release Summary

nCourt is excited to announce its new product enhancement to the Transaction Report feature for the X-Connect Payment Portal. The upgrade will improve the reporting loading speed and not disrupt any existing functionality currently available.  

The update will be released on February 3rd, 2020 at 7am EST.

Client Benefits

The transaction report currently runs when the page is first visited and every time a search field is changed. This process lengthens the time spent obtaining results, especially when multiple search criteria are needed. After the upgrade, the report can only be pulled when the “Run” button is clicked; the modification enables the search criteria to be fully configured before running the report. This new feature will provide greater efficiency to the reporting process, and the steps are easy to follow (see diagram below).

New Transaction Reporting Procedures 

  1. Click “Reports” in the navigation menu (blue bar at the top of the page)

  2. Configure the desired search criteria

  3. Click “Run”

  4. View results based on search criteria selected within the “Processed Transactions” section

Note: Users can make additional changes to the search criteria at any time.  Once changes are made, click “Run” to view the results.